From the moment we are forced into life, through pain and anxiety, we emerge seeking the comfort and security of companionship. This is our first experience of existence. In fact, this is the first experience of all mammals. The gratification of warmth and nourishment is imprinted upon us in various amounts and in a range of durations. Those fortunate enough to have received this first satisfaction in abundance tend to carry an increased desire to share this experience with others, including animals. This is even the nature of pets.
This behavior is experienced in all mammals. Have you ever seen pictures of a cat nursing a puppy? Pig nursing a rabbit? Dog nursing tiger cubs? Cow nursing a goat? Survival of the species transcends species boundaries and is carried forward by all mammals. Humans are the most affected by these early imprints. So many of us will go out of our way to care for an animal in need; however, our ability to provide adequate care is limited by our ability to understand the nature of pets and the species. Predator and prey animals live by different means but share the same nurturing abilities. Understanding the nature of pets and species enables us to read and detect the body language preceding their actions and reactions. This also enables us to marginally communicate with other animals. Despite varying degrees of the inability of humans to understand the needs of other humans, understanding the nature of pets and animal behavior is much easier. Behavior of most animals is less complex and much more predictable. Survival of all species is based on their ability to co-exist in nature and adapt; unfortunately, humans are changing nature at an alarming rate, creating unusual and dangerous behavior in animals that may cause them to lose their natural habitats.
The reckless exploitation of nature and its resources by humans must stop. This problem has grown to such unimaginable potential our own survival is now at risk. How can we correct such a global problem? Our ability to regulate business and industry is at best localized and at the mercy of the driving forces of corporate profits. This problem requires everyone’s understanding of the nature of pets and nature and each our contribution to make a change. Education of our children should not only involve how to succeed in business but also how to succeed in the preservation of nature and the development of natural harmonious business and industry methods. Every father and mother can have a profound effect on their children’s understanding of the nature of pets and nature. Just as we imprint on our children how to achieve comfort and security, we must also imprint harmony with nature. This is probably our best contribution to their future and the result could affect all life on Earth.
To live in harmony with nature requires we coexist with all living things. To do this, we must preserve their environments, understand the nature of pets, and respect the needs of all creatures.